Cataract Surgery

Patho­lo­gy is the stu­dy of dise­a­se. It is the bridge bet­ween sci­ence and medi­ci­ne. It under­pins every aspect of pati­ent care, from dia­gno­stic test­ing and tre­at­ment advice to using cut­ting-edge gene­tic tech­no­lo­gies and pre­ven­ting disease.

Doc­tors and sci­en­tists working in patho­lo­gy are experts in ill­ness and dise­a­se. They use their exper­ti­se to sup­port every aspect of health­ca­re, from gui­ding doc­tors on the right way to tre­at com­mon dise­a­ses, to using cut­ting-edge gene­tic tech­no­lo­gies to tre­at pati­ents with life.

The­se teams are made up of patho­lo­gists – who are eit­her doc­tors with spe­cia­list labo­ra­to­ry trai­ning or sci­en­tists with spe­cia­list cli­ni­cal trai­ning – as well as bio­me­di­cal sci­en­tists and sup­port staff. Doc­tors, nur­ses, sur­ge­ons and other medi­cal staff look to patho­lo­gists and con­sul­tant cli­ni­cal sci­en­tists for advice on the natu­re and serious­ness of a patient’s ill­ness, making sure they get the most appro­pria­te tre­at­ment. We will work with you to deve­lop indi­vi­dua­li­sed care plans, inclu­ding manage­ment of chro­nic diseases.

If we can­not assist, we can pro­vi­de refer­rals or advice about the type of prac­ti­tio­ner you requi­re. We are com­mit­ted to being the region’s pre­mier health­ca­re net­work by pro­vi­ding pati­ent-cen­te­red care that inspi­res cli­ni­cal and ser­vice excel­lence, making us the first and best choice for our pati­ents, employees, phy­si­ci­ans, employ­ers, vol­un­teers and communities.

Health Care Plans

Our doc­tors include high­ly qua­li­fied male and fema­le prac­ti­tio­ners who come from a ran­ge of back­grounds and bring with a diver­si­ty of skills and spe­cial inte­rests. Our admi­nis­tra­ti­on and sup­port staff all have excep­tio­nal peo­p­le skills and trai­ned to assist you with all medi­cal enquiries.

Our Core Values

Today the hos­pi­tal is reco­g­nis­ed as a world renow­ned insti­tu­ti­on, not only pro­vi­ding out­stan­ding care and tre­at­ment, but impro­ving the out­co­mes for all through a com­pre­hen­si­ve medi­cal rese­arch. For over 20 years, our hos­pi­tal has touch­ed lives of mil­li­ons of peo­p­le, and pro­vi­de care and tre­at­ment for the sickest in our com­mu­ni­ty inclu­ding reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on and aged care.

Medical Check Ups 

Reco­g­nis­ed as a world renow­ned insti­tu­ti­on, you can con­sult any of our doc­tors by visi­ting our clinic. 

Medical Treatment 

Free or low cost covera­ge adults with limi­t­ed inco­me reco­g­nis­ed as a world renow­ned institution. 

Emergency Help 24/7

Cont­act our recep­ti­on staff with any medi­cal enquiry any time for low cost covera­ge adults. 

Research Professionals 

All medi­cal aspects prac­ti­ce for fami­ly, our recep­ti­on staff with any medi­cal enquiry any time. 

Key Benifits

We help crea­te a care plan that addres­ses your spe­ci­fic con­di­ti­on and we are here to ans­wer all of your ques­ti­ons & ack­now­ledge your con­cerns. Today the hos­pi­tal is reco­g­nis­ed as a world renow­ned insti­tu­ti­on, not only pro­vi­ding out­stan­ding care and tre­at­ment, but impro­ving the outcomes.

Our staff stri­ves to make each inter­ac­tion with pati­ents clear, con­cise, and invi­ting. Sup­port the important work of Medicsh Hos­pi­tal by making a much-nee­ded dona­ti­on today. We will work with you to deve­lop indi­vi­dua­li­sed care plans, inclu­ding manage­ment of chro­nic dise­a­ses. If we can­not assist. 
Our staff stri­ves to make each inter­ac­tion with pati­ents clear, con­cise, and invi­ting. Sup­port the important work of Medicsh Hos­pi­tal by making a much-nee­ded dona­ti­on today. We will work with you to deve­lop indi­vi­dua­li­sed care plans, inclu­ding manage­ment of chro­nic dise­a­ses. If we can­not assist. 
Our staff stri­ves to make each inter­ac­tion with pati­ents clear, con­cise, and invi­ting. Sup­port the important work of Medicsh Hos­pi­tal by making a much-nee­ded dona­ti­on today. We will work with you to deve­lop indi­vi­dua­li­sed care plans, inclu­ding manage­ment of chro­nic dise­a­ses. If we can­not assist. 

Health Tips & Info 

We will work with you to deve­lop indi­vi­dua­li­sed care plans, inclu­ding manage­ment of chro­nic dise­a­ses. If we can­not assist, we can pro­vi­de refer­rals or advice about the type of prac­ti­tio­ner you requi­re. We tre­at all enqui­ries sen­si­tively and in the stric­test confidence.

Investigations Price List

Umbi­li­cal Cord Appearance  $50
Car­diac Electrophysiology  $80
Repo­si­tio­ning Techniques  $60
Ger­ia­tric Neurology  $75
Nuclear Cardiology  $45
Neu­ro­cri­ti­cal Care  $55

Treatments Price List

Colonoscopy  $50
Aller­gy testing  $80
Gastroscopy  $60
Bronchoscopy  $75
Car­diac Ablation  $45
Hol­ter monitoring  $55

Meet Our Doctors

Our admi­nis­tra­ti­on and sup­port staff all have excep­tio­nal peo­p­le skills and trai­ned to assist you with all medi­cal enqui­ries. Doc­tors will be available from 8 am : 12 am , kind­ly call to con­firm your Appointment.

Emergency Cases

Plea­se feel wel­co­me to cont­act our fri­end­ly recep­ti­on staff with any gene­ral or medi­cal enquiry call us.

Opening Hours

Mon­day — Fri­day 8.00 — 7:00 pm
Satur­day 9.00 — 8.00 pm
Sun­day 10.00 — 9.00 pm